Promotion of Cultural and Tourism Trade: "Finest Cultural Gifts from China" Event Held in Ningxia

Under the theme “Venturing Northwest: A Soulful Journey,” the event aimed to spotlight a variety of offerings, including wine-related products, cultural and creative items, as well as tourism souvenirs and travel routes. Six cultural and tourism enterprises from Ningxia, Gansu, Xinjiang, Hebei, Shandong, and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps showcased their wine products, cultural artifacts, and tourism resources. Guests also had the opportunity to explore chateaus and tourist attractions in the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain, gaining insights into the integration of wine, tourism, and culture, including development strategies and planning.
The event combined both online and offline formats. Utilizing new media channels, it was broadcast live across Chinese and international social media platforms, attracting 2.62 million viewers, including 950,000 from abroad. Attendees, including ambassadors and travel agents from ASEAN countries, sampled premium Ningxia wines. Many expressed intentions to procure wine during the event and committed to promoting Chinese wine and tourism products in their home countries.
This initiative was organized under the guidance of the Department of Industrial Development of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, with support from the ASEAN-China Center, hosted by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, and coordinated by China Tourism News and the Creative Industry Technology Research Institute of Renmin University of China. The goal is to leverage the unique appeal of Helan Mountain wines, which reflect “global appeal, international standards, Chinese style, and a strong connection to Ningxia.” This will help enhance the scale and structure of China’s wine culture and tourism trade, positioning Ningxia as a prominent international destination for wine culture and tourism.
Participants included officials from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, diplomats and travel industry representatives from ASEAN countries, heads of cultural and tourism agencies, and media representatives.
By integrating both domestic and international resources and blending online and offline activities, the “Finest Cultural Gifts from China” initiative aims to promote high-quality cultural and tourism products with distinctive Chinese characteristics that resonate well in the global market. It serves as a platform for cooperation between Chinese and foreign enterprises, expanding cultural trade and optimizing its structure. Ultimately, this campaign seeks to enhance the international competitiveness and visibility of Chinese brands and enterprises.
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